
Fuss Free Science

I've seen so much fear against science because people don't understand it. It's full of jargon, with little to no explanation. I want to change that.

brown analog clock

Fuss Free Science #08: I wish I have a Time Turner

Hello Reader! Before I start on the topic proper, here are some updates. Firstly, I have a personal page! If you've ever been curious to know more about me or where else I'm active at, you can head on to Secondly, Fuss Free Science has it's own website! If you've missed any of the previous editions, head on down to Now, onto the topic! Time Flies Have you ever felt like that is not enough time to do everything? Sometimes I wish I have a Time Turner just so...

I Fell Down The Coffee Rabbit Hole. Again.

Hello Reader! The last time I fell down the coffee rabbit hole, I talked about caffeine. This time I discovered interesting things (to me) about coffee proper. And here’s what I learnt. TL;DR Coffee beans from different regions have distinct flavours because of the soil, climate, and altitude where they are grown. Different methods of processing the beans can also give rise to very different flavour profiles. Different brewing methods have different pros and cons. So choose one that suits...

My Kids Won't Be Scientists

Hello Reader! A few months back, my daughter turned to me and said, “Mama, I want to be a scientist like you when I grow up.” I told her, “Ok baby. You can be a scientist if you want,” But on the inside, I was screaming. I don’t want my kids to be scientists. Here's why. How it started When I started my journey into science, it was at a point in time when the Singapore government was trying to get people into biotechnology. They were pumping in funds to create new research institutes and...

What happens when it stops being fun?

Hello! I'm Lina Salleh, founder of Fuss Free Science. You're receiving this email because you signed up to the Fuss Free Science, a monthly newsletter about science topics, made easy to understand. Thank you for being here. If you enjoy the newsletter, please forward it to a friend. And if this email was forwarded to you, you can get your own. Hello Reader! When I started this newsletter, I thought that it was going to be something fun. I wanted to read and research the things that struck my...

The Rise of Bread Baking

Hello! I'm Lina Salleh, founder of Fuss Free Science. You're receiving this email because you signed up to the Fuss Free Science, a monthly newsletter about science topics, made easy to understand. Thank you for being here. If you enjoy the newsletter, please forward it to a friend. And if this email was forwarded to you, you can get your own. Hello Reader, As mentioned in my previous edition of the newsletter, over the next few months we will be learning about: what happens during the...

Fuss Free Science : A Short Update

Hello! I'm Lina Salleh, founder of Fuss Free Science. You're receiving this email because you signed up to the Fuss Free Science, a monthly newsletter about science topics, made easy to understand. Thank you for being here. If you enjoy the newsletter, please forward it to a friend. And if this email was forwarded to you, you can get your own. Hello Reader! This is going to be a short newsletter edition, just to update you on what I’ve got planned for the newsletter over the next few months....

Coffee and Caffeine: The Good , The Bad and Death

Hello! I'm Lina Salleh, founder of Fuss Free Science. You're receiving this email because you signed up to the Fuss Free Science, a monthly newsletter about science topics, made easy to understand. Thank you for being here. If you enjoy the newsletter, please forward it to a friend. And if this email was forwarded to you, you can get your own. Hello Reader! In this edition, we’re going to learn about coffee and caffeine. Now that Ramadan is over, I can drink coffee again! This month we’re...